Our Community
Maple Group (Thursday 13th September)
We began group time today with a story. It was Whose hat is this?
This story got the children thinking about different jobs in the community.
The story explored the following workers: construction, firefighter, chef,
police officer, baseball player, astronaut and beekeeper.
During this story the children were shown different hats and the children
used their thinking skills to decide who the hat belonged to.
All of the children showed great knowledge and communicating skills during
this time as they decided who owned the hat.
After the story all of the children got to choose a hat they would like to design.
We had a nurse, doctor, chef, farmer, firefighter, pilot, mail carrier, construction
worker, policeman and train driver to choose from.
The children showed great creativity decorating and designing their hat.
During this time the children were communicating to each other about
their colouring and chosen hat.
Aegon “I am going to be a chef”.
Elise “Are you sick teacher emma? I am a nurse”.
Each child was so proud of the hat when it was competed.
At the end of the activity we played a game which was similar to our story.
A child stood up and showed everyone their hat. The rest of the children
had to use their knowledge of jobs in the community to decide what job
that hat belongs to.
Mikayla-Mail Carrier
The children showed great enthusiasm during this activity and were very focused
on learning about different jobs in their community.